Consideration of a Case
Today’s Tip idea comes from Corey McDonald, Paralegal with Justice Canada in Edmonton.
Cory mentioned yesterday that it would be helpful to know the different steps for doing the same task in LexisNexis Quicklaw and Westlaw Canada and CanLII. I chose to write about Noting Up. Here are the steps for each system for noting up a case to see if it has been judicially considered
CanLII – click on the “search decisions citing this decision” link.
LexisNexis Quicklaw – click on the citator symbol or the “noteup with QuickCITE” link at the top of the decision or go directly to a noteup record with a citation of a case from the Noteup with QuickCITE search box on the main page
Westlaw Canada – click on the citations symbol or choose the Related Info tab when viewing a case then the ‘citing references’ link or go directly to a noteup using the Keycite radio button under Find by citation from the main page
The Alberta Law Libraries has a Research Guide on this topic too.
Not a bad idea to follow up with a proximity search (using names from the style of cause) in text of the decision. This turns up addtional hits…too often.