Searching for Private Company Info

My colleague Jennifer Merchant, Library Assistant for Field Law in the Calgary office gets credit for this tip. It is really more the beginning of a memo of research results, rather than a tip, but I thought you might find it useful. Jennifer was looking for some background information on a private company. Here is the beginning of her result:

You asked for background information on [insert private company name here]. I used the following resources in my search:

  • Google (general)
  • Google News
  • Canadian Business and Current Affairs Complete (business/news database)
  • Canadian Newsstand (news database)
  • Canadian Periodicals (news database)
  • Canadian Reference Centre (news database)

Using the sources above with a search for a private company name as a phrase yields plenty of results. This is true even when the company itself has no website.


  1. Depending on the type of background sought, I might also check the Better Business Bureau.

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