The Best Time to Prepare a to-Do List

The best time to prepare a to-do list for your day is 15 minutes before you go home the night before.

Why 15 minutes before?  Because it may never happen if you leave it as the last thing to do before you go home.  By the time you do just a few last minute jobs wishfully thinking “this won’t take me long” it starts to get late.  Then you are rushing out the door.  The list might not get done.

15 minutes before makes it more likely that you actually do it and give it the time it deserves.  It is easier to make it part of your routine.

Why the night before?  Everything I’ve read always recommends this.  You have the advantage of starting the next day with a clear plan.  The alternative is a day where you risk being distracted by other events until mid-morning or later.  Or, that you can deal with some of your list in quiet moments of inspiration before you start work again.

per: Andrew Rogers, CEO of the free legal toolkit.

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