Buy the Book

I am often asked by folks touring through my firm’s library, or in airports, or at various events, if we still buy books. I am always a little surprised by the question. We live in the world of Chapters and Amazon – books are a major player in the retail market – of course we buy books for our law firm library.

We have a rule about books, we buy a title if we are going to use it 3 or more times a year. This seems a reasonable tipping point for pain to borrow vs. pain to buy.

If you are thinking about buying Canadian law books, check out The site aggregates RSS feeds from Canadian legal publishers to show the latest offerings, and provides links to the source for easy access to purchase.

For older titles, used Canadian law books are available from plenty of online retailers. I have even used eBay to add to our library collection.

Hard copy books are still a great way to share one title among many people for a reasonable, single time only, purchase price.


  1. Thanks fo reminding everyone about the site, Shaunna!

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