CBA Research Lawyers Subsections

An Aesop fable suggests that we should make friends in prosperity if we would have their help in adversity. Thanks to Mike Doerksen, incoming Chair of the CBA Alberta, Research Lawywers Subsection (South) for today’s tip which came from the minutes of their round table wrap up session.

Joan described using the Search Headnotes function on Westlaw, rather than Full Text searching for cheaper and more efficient method of finding relevant U.S. cases.

Thanks to Mike for sharing the minutes. Thanks to Joan Bilsland, Bennett Jones for sharing wi her colleagues. Thanks to the CBA for facilitating research lawyer sharing through subsections, and for inviting law librarians to join these groups as special interest members.


  1. Melanie Bueckert

    The next step is to create a national CBA Legal Research Section. Who’s with me?

  2. Only if they let law librarians join 🙂

  3. The great thing about CBA Research Lawyers subsections is that they are (at least in Alberta) hybrid groups that law librarians who are not lawyers can be members of.

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