Have Some Fun and Teleport to a Random Place in the World With MapCrunch.com

Most of you should be familiar with Google’s Street View. It allows you to see pictures of the street you are viewing on a Google Maps map. That can be very handy when you are wanting to know about the landmarks you should be looking for when you are driving to somewhere you have never been before.

But if you are wanting to have some fun with Google Street View, you can use MapCrunch to “teleport” or jump to a random place in the world.

MapCrunch allows you to easily explore the vast array of imagery captured by Google in over 27 countries. You will see spectacular scenery, busy cities and quiet back roads in the middle of nowhere. It is fun. It is addictive. The best views are added to the Gallery every day – be sure to check it out!

Go to the MapCrunch.com site and click the green “GO” button to be teleported to a random place in the world. If you only want to see certain countries, select them on the right hand panel.

And click the “myMap” option (top-right of side panel) to choose your own area to teleport around – after checking this option you will only see images within the area covered by the map on your screen. For example, if you only want views from Tokyo, move and zoom the map so that you only see Tokyo city (or search for “Tokyo”), then click “GO”!

Not quite a Star Trek transporter, but a lot of fun and probably the closest you will get to the real thing. Beam me up Scotty!

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