Manipulating Windows With Windows 7 Keyboard Shortcuts
Windows 7 introduced some really neat new keyboard shortcuts for manipulating windows. Here are some shortcuts that every Windows 7 user should know:
Windows key + Up and Windows key + Down: If a window isn’t maximized, pressing the Windows key + Up arrow key will make it fill your entire screen. Windows key + Down arrow on a maximized window will restore will restore the window to its previous dimensions filling only part of the full screen. Pressing it again will minimize that active window.
Windows key + Shift + Up and Windows key + Shift + Down: Hitting these three keys will vertically stretch an active window to the maximum desktop height (but the width of the window will stay the same). Pressing Windows key + Shift+ Down will restore the window to its previous dimensions.
Windows key + Left and Windows key + Right: These two shortcuts will make your active window fill up exactly one half of your screen, on either the right or left side. And once a window is fixed to one side of the screen, you can repeat the shortcut with the same arrow key to flip it to the other side, with an intermediate step of being restored to its previous dimensions filling only part of the full screen.
Windows key + Home: This shortcut minimizes every open window on your desktop except the active window. Pressing this shortcut again restores all the minimized windows.
Windows key + Shift + Left and Windows key + Shift + Right: If you’re using two or more displays, this shortcut lets you easily move a window from one screen to the other. The window retains its size and relative position on the new screen, which is useful when working with multiple documents.
There you go – make an effort to memorize these shortcuts. You will find them very helpful next time you want to see multiple windows on your desktop.
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