Add a Bit of Complexity to Your Life

♫ Hey Jude, don’t make it bad
Take a sad song and make it better
Remember to let her under your skin
Then you’ll begin to make it better…♫

Lyrics and music by Lennon & McCartney.


This column was written shortly after attending a wine tasting session.  One of the themes of that session was how adding different types of grapes to a wine increases the complexities and the structure of a wine and, done right, this blending makes the wine more enjoyable and interesting. During that session (I have to admit that part of my mind was still thinking that this column was due) it occurred to me that the same approach could be applied to life.  If we take a moment and try different things, our life becomes more complex, enjoyable and interesting (and summer is a great time to try this).

Whether it is a wine-tasting class, visiting and exploring new places or for those so inclined, taking the leap and trying bungee jumping, our lives are far richer and more interesting when we push out our boundaries and try something outside of our comfort zone.  Challenges are meant to be met, mountains are meant to be climbed, lakes and streams are meant to be paddled, distances are meant to be spanned and limitations are meant to be conquered.  We meet new people, we discover things about ourselves, we develop new confidences and we help others do the same.  Sharing new experiences, especially among friends and family, helps deepen bonds and increases our sense of community and furthermore, they work against the feelings of isolation, routine and ‘sameness’ that can occur when practising law.

Let the new experience get under your skin and touch your soul. Let them open your eyes and your emotions, thoughts and feelings and those around you as well. By adding a bit of complexity to our lives we can begin to make them better.

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