An Evernote to Remember

“I meant what I said, and I said what I meant.
An elephant’s faithful one hundred percent.
That’s my code, my motto…”

Horton Hears a Who!  by Dr. Seuss.


All of us have forgotten something at one time or another.  It seems the *ahem* older we get the more ah, shall we say, frequent, these episodes become.  It is important then to have a tool that helps us remember things.

Fortunately there is Evernote.  This handy (and completely free) app for  mobile devices (iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch, Android, Windows Phone, Blackberry, hpWeb OS) and desktops (Mac OS X, Windows Desktop, Windows 8) makes it easy to remember virtually anything.

What does it do? It allows you to capture information and organize it into Notebooks. Now this isn’t just a text copy-and-paste system. You can copy webpages and past them into an Evernote note (and keep all the formatting and images and hypertext links by just a simple copy and paste).  Forget bookmarks – Evernote is Way better than that!

Photos? a Snap.  Recipes? I love building my own set of go-to favourite recipes that I find on the web – complete with images.  I use to to organize favourite music songs or playlists that I find on YouTube (I love it for this actually).  Shopping lists? Instead of plain text you can organize lists of what you need on your Smartphone that have actual photos of what you are looking for.

Conferences?  Evernote is a great way to organize your notes taken while attending a conference – not to mention help organize the conference itself.

A legal file?  How about uploading all the documents, images, notes etc into an Evernote notebook and working from there?

Receipts?  A bane of my existence is having to track all the receipts and such that are income-tax relevant.  Scan and store in an Evernote notebook!

Because it is cloud-based, your notes are available wherever you can get a web connection  (if you don’t already have a device with you that carries the notes such as a laptop).

Collaboration? You can share the a note with anyone and the person with whom you share gets a PDF of the note (they need to know the correct URL for that particular note).

Security? Upgrade from the free version and obtain SSL encryption for your notes.

This is one great tool to help bring organization to chaos since the Evernote elephant is faithful one hundred percent.

 -David J. Bilinsky

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