Verrry Scaaary: A Practice Tip


Ah, it’s that hallowed eve when the law goblins come out to play, wreaking  havoc and terror wherever they go.  

They may keep us up at night.  They can even cause our insurers to quaver. 

There are many nightmares you could encounter when you visit The Haunted House of Legal Horrors.  

So beware the darkness, my friends.  

Don’t say we never warned you – one of these things happened to a friend of a friend of mine….  

  • Remember that guy who called you once in 2010, but hung up on you before you got his name? Well his Statement of Claim against you for failing to start his court action in time is on the way…
  • Well, at the time it sure seemed OK to release settlement funds from trust to that poor missionary lady in Asia who emailed you about her collection matter. Who’d have guessed the cheque was going to bounce?
  • Your trial started 5 minutes ago in Milton. So what are you doing in Newmarket?
  • Ooops, the Photo ID your overseas client emailed you was a fake.  
  • And by the way, the lovely woman your client brought in to sign spousal consent on the new 2nd mortgage wasn’t really his wife.  Well, not the wife he owns the property with, that is.
  • Didn’t get around to renewing your E&O insurance yet? This would be as good a time as any…

So here is today’s verrry scaaary Slaw Tip:  Read LawPro’s Avoid A Claim Blog.

It could help you keep the law goblins away.

– Garry J. Wise, Toronto

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