Check Out AccessCLE

Welcome news from David Whelan of the Great Library – Law Society of Upper Canada:

You can now print and download articles older than 18 months free of charge from the Law Society’s CLE collection, powered by the Great Library.

The service – AccessCLE – has been 100% pay-per-view since its inception in 2007 and contains over 6,000 PDF articles going back to 2004.  The articles represent the individual presentations from CLE/CPD seminars put on by the Law Society.  Our partnership with the Law Society’s CPD team is ongoing and we continue to receive and add metadata to articles from recent presentations.

The 18 month window is a rolling period.  Content within that window is still available but is pay-per-view.  You can search for both free and paid articles with either AccessCLE itself or through our discovery engine,

If you need more information please contact Olcay Atacan at  We hope this change will improve your ability to access and use this information.

CLE materials are a fantastic place to start a legal research question.  They often offer practical advice from expert practitioners. Congratulations to the staff at the Great Library who power this project!

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