Data From Published Survey Results

Survey results are converging in my world as useful sources of information. In looking at some information for an upcoming presentation, Google informed me about some published surveys that contained excellent background information.  For an example of survey results that you might find interesting, check out Green Target’s 2012 In-House Counsel New Media Engagement Survey.

Survey data can tell you what people in groups think or believe. Survey results can be qualitative or quantitative. Survey results can help to illustrate themes. Survey data can provide a benchmark.

Survey questions can give you ideas as well. The Canadian Association of Law Libraraies/L’Association canadienne des bibliothèques de droit (CALL/ACBD) periodically carries out a salary survey of law library staff working in Canada. Non-members of CALL/ACBD are encouraged to complete the survey. If you are working in a law library in Canada you are welcome to complete the survey.  Any information you provide is confidential and your personal information cannot be identified.



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