Find Your Groups

I confess to being a skim-a-holic. I find personal satisfaction in having a really good idea what people in the legal industry are talking, thinking, and writing about.

The problem is that there is a ton of new information. If 3 hours of video is uploaded per minute to YouTube just from mobile devices, how do you determine what to pay attention to? If there are 500,000 new blog posts each day, which are the most meaningful to your work?

My method for narrowing the flood of information to the most succinct and ‘important to me’ trickle is to find groups. Groups in this case are a selection of people whose work (blog posts, Twitter stream, LinkedIn updates, Google+ shares, traditional publications, etc.) alerts me to what is most important.

Not sure where to start? After following Slaw, try browsing the LinkedIn Groups Directory or spending a few minutes browsing the Groups You May Like link from the LinkedIn Menu bar. The groups directory is searchable and the results list shows how active the group is.

In addition to following groups to keep up with your interests, you can also skim open LinkedIn Groups as a source of information about an industry that you are researching.

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