All the Accounts You Should Enable Two-Factor Authentication on Right Now
I have given this tip before, but it is worth giving again (thanks to the nudge in this LifeHacker post): Two-factor authentication is one of the best things you can do to make sure your online accounts are more secure and don’t get hacked. More and more popular services are offering it, including: Facebook, LinkedIn, Google/Gmail, BlackBerry, Yahoo, Apple, Microsoft, Amazon web services, PayPal, Dropbox, Hootsuite, Twitter, Evernote, WordPress and LastPass.
Two-factor authentication is a feature that asks for more than just your password. It requires both something you know (a password) and something you have (for example, your phone). After you enter your password, you’ll get a second code sent to your phone, and only after you enter it will you get into your account. It’s a lot more secure than a password and can help keep hackers out of your online accounts. If you use any of the above services, enable two-factor authentication right now.
See this LifeHacker post for more info and a video that demos it: Here’s Everywhere You Should Enable Two-Factor Authentication Right Now.
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