Visit for Factory Reset Codes
When electronic devices work properly, you have no worries. But when they don’t, it’s a real pain in the rear! One of the most common trouble-shooting options is a factory reset – that special and specific combination of button presses and steps that restarts the device with standard factory settings.
Finding the right reset code usually requires finding the operation manual for the device. Yeah right! It might be in somewhere in the basement, or more likely went out in the garbage with the crumpled holiday wrapping paper.
So what do you do when you need to find a factory reset code for a misbehaving device? A quick visit to will get you the code you need. It has factory reset codes and procedures for many different types of devices and products. The best way to use this site is by searching the product code. You can however browse through the site by equipment type or by manufacturer. Also listed are lamp hour/counter reset procedures and V-Chip reset guides.
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