A Time to Relax

♫ So go on, indulge yourself,
that’s right, kick off your shoes, put your feet up,
lean back and just enjoy the melodies.
After all, music soothes even the savage beasts.  ♫

Lyrics and Music by Dexter Holland, recorded by Offspring.

Canada Flag

There is a time to work …and there is a time to kick back and take it easy.

We happen to be in that magical time between Canada Day and Independence Day for our cousins down south.

So our post this week is – seize the moment and take the time …to relax…to detune…to enjoy the company of friends and family.

Turn off the office. Leave the smartphone on the desk.. take a deep breath….and feel the tension easing away.

The work will be there …what is important is to get away ..mentally, physically……realize that the summer lies ahead…and to make time to spend that time with those near and dear to you.

Life is not something that can be banked or rewound.  We have to live it going forward. We can’t go back and rebuild bridges that have been burnt.

Take the time.. enjoy your friends and family …relish the fact of being alive and being with those who are near and dear to you.

Most of all cherish those close to you.  Lean back and just enjoy…

-David J. Bilinsky, Vancouver.


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