Apple Broke My iPad (But Now They Fixed It, So I’m Not Mad Anymore)

iOS 8.1.1

Relief is at hand, at last, for iPad2 users who have suffered through two months of sluggish, under-performing, and perpetually stalling tablets since installing September, 2014’s iOS 8 update.

Apple has this week released iOS 8.1.1, an operating system update that magically restores speed and luster to its older mobile devices, including the iPad 2 and the iPhone 4.

After installing the update Wednesday morning, I noted my iPad 2’s immediate resurrection to useful and pleasing life. Its performance has returned to its pre-iOS 8 level, which was always pretty good – good enough for me to resist the temptation of any of the more recent iPad incarnations.

Numerous media reports confirm across-the-board improvement in mobile performance on older devices after installation of this update (see: Apple Releases iOS 8.1.1, It’s An Essential Update, from Forbes, for example).

iOS 8.1.1 therefore gets an unreserved two thumbs up.

Today’s Tip:  If you have been having issues with your older Apple devices since installing iOS 8 or 8.1, this new update will solve your problems.  Install it, with all due haste!

Garry J. Wise, Toronto (@wiselaw on Twitter)

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