Check Out Your Public Library

There are about 2300 public libraries in Canada. This doesn’t include a count of libraries with multiple branches. The bottom line is that most Canadians will have access to information that they need from a public library near them.

Today’s Tip is to make use of those wonderful resources. Books like the Handbook of Fixed Income Securities by Frank J. Fabozzi (Toronto: McGraw-Hill, 2012) or The Master Painters Institute Approved Products List 2012, which reveals the architectural painting specification manual, may never be items that you would purchase. They will absolutely be available through a public library*.

If something you need isn’t in your local public library, I can guarantee that public librarians will use their networks to help track down a source.

*Sample titles were acquired doing a search of the EdmontonPublic Library catalogues Reference shelf title additions limited by the date rage 2012 and newer.

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