Consider a US Address

I really want to ty Google Glass. I am not kidding.  I think there is excellent potential that this tech – or something like it – will be an innovation bump that directly impacts legal research.

On Monday, a message from Google told me:

As we mentioned this past weekend, we’re opening up a few spots in the Glass Explorer Program this week. One thing we want to clarify is that spots in the program are for US residents only.

While we’d love to bring Glass to our friends around the world (we promise we are working on this), the usual restrictions still apply. Just a reminder, all Glass Explorers must:

  • Be US residents
  • Be 18 years or older
  • Purchase Glass for $1,500 + tax
  • Provide a US shipping address

I don’t like to cheat the system – well not always – but there is a way to manage the disappointing trend of not being able to access technology as quickly if you are outside of the US.  Consider acquiring some property in the States so that you have a mailing address there. My banker wishes I was kidding.

The questions I need to answer that only a personal tst of GG will do: how does it react when browsing Canadian commercial legal research sites; how does it work for CanLII searching; what about my firm’s website; is this a tech that will have an impact on how we do business.

Plus, I just want it. I am not kidding.

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