Crowdsourcing Tribunal Decision Sources


A question and some answers came across the CALL-L listserv this week about sources for BC Utilities Commission Decisions.  Like some other tribunals, the commission decisions are not available for searching on CanLII, LexisNexis Quicklaw or Westlaw Next Canada. There is a basic index function on the Commission website, but it was not adequate for the needs of the person posting the question.

Today’s Tip is thanks to the members of the CALL-L list who shared their knowledge with the crowd.

Anne Whelan of Mercer shared British Columbia Utilities Commission Online Document Library – a source that reports it is “currently being reorganized and updated”.

Jennifer McNenly of Fasken Martineau shared this useful tip:

You can try a Google site search on the decisions folder as per my example below. But you should also browse by year prior to 1980.  Those early decisions are just referenced and the electronic decision is not actually on the site.


Lists like CALL-L and others are excellent avenues to learn from the experiences of others. Do you crowdsource Sources?

Update Note: I learned at some of the British Columbia Utilities Commission decisions (304 of them at a recent count) ARE available with WestlawNext Canada. Thanks to Carswell Reference Support for adding their information to the crowd!

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