List Conciousness
With Canada’s Anti-Spam Legislation coming into force on July 1, 2014, you may have noticed an increasing number of “confirm your email” opt in messages. Though there is a transition period where consent to receive commercial electronic messages is implied, most organizations are getting their express consent ducks in a row.
Today’s Tip is to be list conscious…or more practically, think really hard before you decide to unsubscribe.
Personally, I am making sure that legal publishers I deal with are able to send me email. Though there are plenty of ways to stay up to date on new publications and you may think of the ‘new book’ emails as being the most frequent publisher sent commercial electronic messages, publishers sent emails about all kinds of important things that you want to know.
- planned outages for electronic products
- new formats for existing works
- changes to pricing
- notices about mergers and new content
Be list conscious so that you are not out of the loop.
If the number of commercial electronic messages are getting on your last nerve, consider Slawyer Jack Newton’s Email Pro Tip #1 Create a “Robots” Folder and only look at your CEMs once a day.
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