Deep Linking to LexisNexis Canada Sources
Hat tip to Ted Tjaden for Today’s Tip. Ted is a fan of deep linking to sources including fee based sources of legal research. I am a fan of Ted, including his excellent Irwin Law text Legal Research and Writing which has a companion website. Ted recently shared the pattern of how to deep link to specific material in LexisNexis Canada.
As you may know, not all databases in QL give you the “hyperlink” option.The following pattern gives you a stable URL to a single database:
The only variable is the CSI number. You can get the CSI number from the “Info” icon in the Source Directory.
To deep link to a combined/global database, separate the CSI numbers with a comma:
I really appreciate being able to link to live commentary on commercial sources. In my organization links like these appear in our library catalog and on our Intranet pages. Linking to sources is the best use of licensed materials, and lets you use specific parts of a commercial database in compliance with your licence agreement – unlike downloading something and linking to a download (a no-no). Linking also means that you are seeing the current material when you follow a link.
Stephanie Parisien, Senior Customer Care Representative at LexisNexis Canada offered this additional info:
The basic pattern to give you a stable URL to a single database is:
YYYYY = a search form code from the list below
XXXXX = the csi (constant source identifier) for the specific database. You can find the CSI by locating the source in the Quicklaw Source Directory and hovering your cursor over the source information icon. The CSI appears in a URL at the foot of the browser.
CA01STLegCmnSrch Legislation
CA01STLegBillsSrch Legislative bills
CA01STHistLegSrch Company Profile
CA01STIntLegiCmn International legislation – common law
CA01STIntLegCvl International legislation – civil law
CA04STJrnlsSrch Journals
CA04STIntJrnals International Journals
CA06STSrvSrch Services
CA06STIntServices International Services
CA01LNSimplSrch News and Companies
CA02LNCmpSrch Company Profile
CA00STGenSrch General Search
CA02STCseCmnSrch Cases
CA02STIntCseCmn International Cases – common law
CA02STIntCseCvl International Cases – civil law
CA02STPrsInjurySrch Personal injury
CA02STQuickCiteSrch QuickCite
CA02STWrngDismSrch Wrongful dismissal
CA03STCmtrySrch Commentary [used in Ted’s example above]
CA02STBrdsTribSrch Boards & Tribunals
CA03STIntCmtry International commentary
CA05STFrnPrcSrch Forms & precedents
CA05STIntFPrecdt International forms & precedents
CA01IntPrPRA Intellectual Property Practice Area
CA02ImigrPRA Immigration Practice Area
CALUSelectContent Legal Updates Page
CA04FamlyPRA Family Practice Area
CA05CrmnalPRA Criminal Practice Area
CA03EmplmPRA Employment Practice Area
Finally, to link to the table of contents it should look like this:
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