Digital Security 101
No one likes to talk about digital security. Heck, say “F T P” to some people and watch their eyes immediately glaze over. I get it. It’s techy and geeky and those who are not, just smile and nod. However, whether you are geeky or not, digital security is immensely important to the health of your business and even your personal life.
I’ve been trying to get the core concepts of digital security out there for over a decade. My first presentation for the OIVAC (way back in 2006) only touched upon what one needs to consider when it comes to the security of their privacy, equipment, business/client information, data collection and website. I got rave reviews, but the comments made me realize just how little attention anyone was paying to the digital security of their business <-and that you couldn’t put that much raw intel about digital security into anyone’s head in one sitting. 😉
I’ve refined that presentation over the years, breaking it up into more digestible parts. At just about 2 minutes, this short and pithy video captures the basics of digital security in, what I like to think, is a relatable and fun way:
Digital Security Salad
Please comment if you like or not — I’m reworking the parts about data collection and website security next and would LOVE to know if the whole “relate it to food” concept works <g>
Andrea Cannavina (@AndreaCan) helps law firms organize, automate and implement business process improvements to create efficient workflows and happier staff.
Looks great! If I can offer a suggestion to include: security is only as strong as its weakest link. Saving documents to a USB stick or other removable media (hard drives, etc) and then not securing them properly puts all that data at risk as well. At the very least, store such media in a locked cabinet and make it a habit to keep that media locked up when not in use.
As well, those who use Microsoft Windows Pro have the benefit of BitLocker, which allows you to encrypt and password protect your USB sticks and hard drives. If that USB stick does fall out of your pocket or get left behind at the local Starbucks, it’s useless to anyone who finds it.