Talking to Lawyers About Words

Accountants are trained in numbers. Architects are trained in design. And lawyers are trained in words.

As a lawyer, when you speak or write, you choose your words judiciously. Am I right?








That is all well and good when it comes to serving clients as a lawyer. Not as well or good when it comes to developing a marketing program (and, yes, I am intentionally taking creative license with my words here for effect).

Here’s the problem…

Lawyers can write. As a result, some think they can, and in fact should, write their own marketing copy for taglines, websites, brochures and more.  But, great marketing isn’t about being detailed, accurate or specific. It’s about creating connections with your reader.

So, for today’s tip?

Take a step back. Notice the different intention placed on words used in a legal context and words used in a marketing context… even when marketing a lawyer.

As a lawyer, there is still a place for you to contribute to your own marketing. Write your own articles for your blog and other publications. Write your own updates for social media. If you’ve got great marketing copy and direction in place, to direct traffic so to speak, these peripheral pieces will actually be better because you wrote them.

For more reading on marketing copy, see these past articles on SlawTips:

Also, see the following articles by Sandra Bekhor at Toronto Marketing Blog:

Sandra Bekhor, Toronto

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