Stay Current With the Canadian Law Blogs List

Would you like to stay informed about Canadian legal news?  It is essential for members of the legal profession to stay current with new developments in the legal field.  However, this can be challenging. The multitude of blogs, websites, and information resources available online can make the task of staying up-to-date seem overwhelming.

Are you familiar with the Canadian Law Blogs List available at  The Canadian Law Blogs List describes itself as “open directory of Canadian blogging lawyers, law librarians, marketers, IT professionals and paralegals in Canada.”  It was launched in 2005 by Steve Matthews, founder and CEO of Stem Legal.

The Canadian Law Blogs List makes it easier to stay well-informed of developments in law.  It is a single online location that collects and categorizes authoritative legal blogs.  The blogs included in the directory are reviewed for authority, credibility, and currency.  The Canadian Law Blogs List can be browsed by legal practice area, category, and jurisdiction.  Readers can subscribe by RSS feed or email.

The Canadian Law Blog List homepage features recent posts from the blogs included in the directory.  I encourage you to check it out.

[This tip by Alan Kilpatrick originally appeared on the Law Society of Saskatchewan Library’s Legal Sourcery Blog]

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