Finding Federal Orders in Council

Thanks to Jason Wong of McCarthy Tétrault LLP for the inspiration for this tip.

The Privy Council Office has created an online database that allows users to search for federal Orders in Council (OICs) made between 1990 and the present. 

If you cannot retrieve your OIC from the database, you can request it by emailing the Privy Council Office directly at If the OIC is available, it will be emailed directly to you (usually within one working day); if not available, you will have to check with Library and Archives Canada (LAC). 

LAC has digitized microfilm copies of orders in council from 1867 to 1916. You can search the Orders-in-Council database by going to

If your Order in Council is available neither from the Privy Council Office nor through the database you will have to contact LAC directly to get a copy.

Susannah Tredwell

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