Post-Pandemic Planning Tip

It’s hard to believe that the COVID-19 lockdown began only three months ago. It feels like forever! And yet, many are predicting that we are just getting started. 

My tip?

Use this time for business planning. Don’t just dust off any old run-of-the-mill template, mind you. Take an honest and deeply introspective look at your future.

Whether your market has been irrevocably changed or you’re expecting things to pick up and return to normal (the new normal…), most lawyers have experienced some form of a shake up. As difficult as it may be to put a positive spin on a pandemic, this break could be treated as an opportunity to reimagine specific aspects of your practice.

Why go back to something that never really worked for you in the first place?

Instead, return to your original intentions. Why did you become a lawyer? Why did you choose this area of law? If you’re a business owner, why did you start your own firm? Which clients give you the most professional satisfaction? The best work / life balance? The highest profit margin?

Use this time to recommit to your objectives (or set new ones) and adjust your plans to support them. After all, when are you going to have a better chance to go for your goals?

Now is the time.

For related reading, see these past articles on Slaw:

Also, see the following related articles by Sandra Bekhor at Toronto Marketing Blog:

Sandra Bekhor, Toronto

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