Let’s Get Phygital

As long as we don’t call it that, though. (In part because Let’s get phygital may conjure up images of Olivia Newton-John in a headband for those of a certain age.)

Phygital is a newish (and unlovely) term for communication or connection that combines the physical and the digital. It comes from the world of marketing and sales.

If you are hosting a virtual breakfast or happy hour for the summer students in your office using a digital platform, you can make it (ugh) phygital by sending participants all the food and drink they need to have an experience that feels a least a bit more like being in the same room with everyone else.

But phygital? Please, no. Just send the cereal or the ready-made Negronis and try to have a good time.

(Thanks to Chris Graham of tellpeople.ca for drawing my attention to a word he finds equally unfortunate.)

Neil Guthrie (@guthrieneil)

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