Let’s Table That
What does it mean when you table a motion at a meeting?
It depends on where you live.
For those in the non-US parts of the English-speaking world, to table means to submit something formally for discussion or consideration.
The expression comes from act of laying your submission on the table of a legislative assembly or other decision-making body (like a board of directors). This usage goes back at least as far as the 1650s.
The Glossary of Parliamentary Procedure use table as a noun and verb in these senses: https://www.ourcommons.ca/About/Glossary/Index-e.html#LetterT
In the USA, however, tabling has, since the mid 1800s, meant postponing or even shelving a matter indefinitely.
Winston Churchill noted the difference in World War II: British officials wanted to table (i.e. raise) something as a matter of urgency; their American counterparts thought they meant ‘putting it away in a drawer and forgetting about it’ (The Second World War (1950)).
In Canada, we see both; but the non-US usage makes more sense when you think of the actual table of the deliberative body.
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