Is That Code Current?

A hat tip to Sandi Madvid, Supervisor of Edmonton Library Services for Parlee McLaws LLP for Today’s Tip. Sandi shared  that the Alberta Building Code 2014 and the Alberta Fire Code 2014 will be in force on May 1, 2015.  Considering my husband is a carpenter and uses the Building Code, I am surprised I didn’t known this was coming!

Some Canadian jurisdictions (including Alberta, obviously) model region specific codes on the National Building Code of Canada. Building Codes are usually only available for purchase and most (but not all) are available by subscription to an electronic version.

The Building Code Regulation in Alberta contains only the authorization that the codes is in effect and does not contain the text of the code. According to the nice lady I called at  Municipal Affairs, the new Alberta codes will only be available from the National Research Council on May 1, 2015.

Because building and other Codes may not be Googavailable in full text, Today’s Tip is to cast a wide investigative net to make sure you are looking at the correct code for the currency date you need.

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